Sponge Moments 02.12.13 A Spongey Wedding! [caption id=attachment_4729 align=alignright width=300] A Sponge Wedding Tower![/caption] Rebecca emailed in this forever after Sponge Momen... Sponge Moments 02.12.13 Running on Sponge! [caption id=attachment_4737 align=alignright width=241] Running = More Sponge Cake![/caption] Hannah emailed in this fab pic - we are loving... Sponge Moments 02.12.13 A Sack-full of Sponges! [caption id=attachment_4734 align=alignright width=224] Ronan's Sack-full Of Sponges![/caption] Ronan emailed us this picky of his Christmas... Company 26.11.13 FREE Baby Sponge for BBC Good Food Show Winter visitors! Ernie and Rich are at the NEC in Birmingham this week, 27 Nov - 1 Dec, for the BBC Good Food Show Winter If you're there, pop over and say hello to... Sponge Moments 12.11.13 Birthday treats! [caption id=attachment_4679 align=alignright width=300] Birthday girl![/caption] Birthday Rocky Road Sponge Moment tweeted to us... Cassie T... Sponge Moments 12.11.13 Jurassic Sponge! [caption id=attachment_4673 align=alignright width=300] Jurassic Sponge[/caption] Daisy Pickles emailed in this prehistoric Sponge Moment... ... Sponge Moments 12.11.13 Cheffy Surprise! [caption id=attachment_4676 align=alignright width=300] Cheffy surprise![/caption] @RoddyRiddle tweeted this Sponge Moment... Nice surprise ... Sponge Moments 12.11.13 Sponge Nursery Rhyme! [caption id=attachment_4670 align=alignright width=199] Sponge Nursery Rhyme![/caption] Steve emailed in this cute Sponge Moment... Hello. ... Sponge Moments 08.11.13 Confessions of a Spongeaholic..! [caption id=attachment_4665 align=alignright width=300] Confessions of a Spongeaholic..![/caption] Lily Hedgman emailed in this Sponge Moment... Sponge Moments 08.11.13 #gorgeous! [caption id=attachment_4662 align=alignright width=300] Gifts delight![/caption] I had this gift it was a delight. The sponge cakes are deli... Sponge Moments 08.11.13 Halloween Competition winnings! [caption id=attachment_4659 align=alignright width=300] Halloween Competition winnings![/caption] Helen Wigglesworth posted a pic of her Hall... Sponge Moments 08.11.13 Reason no.378... [caption id=attachment_4656 align=alignright width=300] Photographer treats![/caption] Sponge Moment sent in by James Rouse Photography on Fa... Sponge Moments 30.10.13 Scrumptious Baby Sponge! [caption id=attachment_4637 align=alignright width=225] Scrumptious Baby Sponge[/caption] Natasha Dobson emailed in this li'l cutey... Baby ... Sponge Moments 30.10.13 CompareTheBabySponge.com [caption id=attachment_4633 align=alignright width=300] CompareTheBaby Sponge.com[/caption] Sponge fan, Valerie emailed in this Sponge Moment... Sponge Moments 30.10.13 Long distance Sponge Moment... [caption id=attachment_4630 align=alignright width=300] Olly with his cake...[/caption] Emailed in from Alice... This is my boyfriend enjoyi... Sponge Moments 24.10.13 Birthday Treat Surprise! [caption id=attachment_4609 align=alignright width=224] Surprise Birthday Treat![/caption] Sponge Moment emailed in from Julie... Ordered th... Sponge Moments 22.10.13 Yummy 16th Birthday Cake! [caption id=attachment_4590 align=alignright width=217] Megan's yummy 16th birthday cake...[/caption] Sponge Moment emailed in of Megan Sharr... Sponge Moments 15.10.13 Charlie and the Chocolate Sponge..! [caption id=attachment_4578 align=alignright width=224] Charlie and the Millionaires Chocolate Sponge..![/caption] Sponge Moment from Sue Loc... Sponge Moments 14.10.13 Legoland Sponge! [caption id=attachment_4560 align=alignright width=300] Legoland Sponge![/caption] Legoland Sponge Moment from Debi March... Saw Sponge cake... Sponge Moments 04.10.13 Early morning Sponge wake up call! [caption id=attachment_4537 align=alignright width=248] Happy 21st Birthday, Josh![/caption] Sponge fan, Liz, tweeted this Sponge Moment pic ... Sponge Moments 04.10.13 Mum's 83rd birthday Sponge [caption id=attachment_4534 align=alignright width=300] Mum's 83rd Birthday cake![/caption] Marie Webb emailed in this Sponge Moment... A pi... Sponge Moments 26.09.13 Sweets for my tweets [caption id=attachment_4506 align=alignright width=241] Sweets for my tweets[/caption] Sponge Moment tweeted in from Louise Bruce... @Sticky... Company 26.09.13 Age forgotten..! Age forgotten..! ;) Sponge Moment emailed in from Katherine Duff...Hi the... Company 26.09.13 We're all going on a summer holiday! We're all going on a summer holiday! Sponge Moment pic emailed in from Juli... 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49