Baking Tips03.05.24Brownie WarsFudgy vs. Cakey – Which Side Are You On?Ingredients26.09.23What is Victoria Sponge?It's one of our most popular cakes but what exactly is it?Baking Tips04.08.23Difference Between FloursThe difference between plain and self-raising flourBaking Tips22.06.23Oil or Butter for cakes?Which should you use?Baking Tips09.03.23Gluten Free BakersLearn more about gluten free cakesBaking Tips06.09.22Cake StorageHow to properly store cakeBaking Tips09.02.22Cake Decorating IdeasGet creative this half-term and enjoy some cake!Baking Tips25.08.21How to store a Wedding CakeFind out the best way to store your Wedding CakeIngredients03.11.20Leftover Pumpkin UsesWhat can you do with left over pumpkin?Baking Tips09.07.20Storing Sponge CakesFind out how to properly store your Sponge Cakes in this guideBaking Tips08.08.19Butter or Margarine For Cake?Which is better - butter or margarine for a cake? Find out what we use...Baking Tips24.01.19How To Store Sponge CakesCorrect storage of your Sponge Cakes is actually a very important thing for you to get the most out of your cake and one that is often done... 1